Monday, August 20, 2012

Certified Nutraceuticals, Inc.

May 29, 2012

RE:          kollaGen  II-xs™ (Patent Pending) - Powder & Liquid Concentrate

Dear Valued Customer,
We are pleased to introduce a new trade name for our proprietary product avian “chicken” collagen type II. In October last year we introduced a new and improved process to extract our collagen type II. We have eliminated the use of harsh chemicals “ethanol” and conserve energy by revising our drying process from 6 hours oven drying to a spray drying process. The new improved invention made the collagen 100% water soluble and preserves a higher yield percentage of mucopolysaccharides, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate with optimum molecular weight for cartilage health.

We have relinquished the previous manufacturing process for Kolla2 and for the past six months we have been supplying you with the new processed high quality product under the trade name Kolla2-xs™.   However, to avoid confusion and conflict we decided to cease promoting the product under the trade name Kolla2-xs™.

Thus, we have created the new trade name kollaGen II-xs™ extra strength chicken collagen type II powder. All future orders will be shipped and labeled under the new trade name with no additional price increase. We highly appreciate your business and please be assured that we will continue to produce high quality ingredients and provide you with excellent services to meet or exceed your satisfaction. 

Attached please find a press release about our latest invention kollaGen I.V.X™ Egg Cell Membrane and a revised Trademark Licensing Agreement.

Very truly yours,
Ahmad Alkayali


Advanced Collagen Recovery Compound